Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tyler Weeks 11-14

Tyler has been so fun lately! He is so interactive and really starting to grab with his hands when playing with toys. We got him an exersaucer that he loves!! He is sucking his thumb and outgrew his swaddler. We were hesitant not to swaddle him at night because he slept so well with it; but we haven't noticed a difference yet. He is still sleeping 8-10 hours each night with a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. I can't complain! He wakes up smiling and loves to talk :) He really hit his 3 month growth spurt fast! The clothes I brought with me 3 weeks ago on the plane were once too big and now he is already outgrowing! I can't believe how quick they grow up! Andy is enjoying having us here and being able to see with his own eyes and experience the daily changes that Tyler has. Here are some photos from the last month.
It looks like someone gave him his first crew cut for the military!
Getting too big to fit in my arms like he used to...can't hold him with one arm anymore. He loves falling asleep in this position as you can tell.

Opening Christmas presents

Daddy having fun with him...don't know if this is Tyler's definition of fun :)
Getting ready for a bath. Since we don't have a tub; we bought the only baby tub we could find and it's not too comfortable for him or easy for us to bathe him he discovered the shower and loves it :)

Like father, like son...hmmm...could that be a TV in front of them?
Still trying to figure out the weird, green puppet on his exersaucer

We were running around base all day and he really didn't get his nap...he was so tired; he couldn't wait for bed.
Each squadron has a hail/farewell where the new guys get hailed and the guys who are leaving get farewelled (if that's a word). Anyway, Ty was a hit with the single guys at the Mexican restaurant (yes, we do have one in Korea!). It was fun watching them interact with him and hold him. We found this sombrero on the wall and decided it fit him perfectly. He's ready to cast in the next "Three Amigos" with that face :)

He doesn't like his car seat...plain and simple. This guy likes to move and when he is in it he gets frustrated!! After "telling me" on our drive home from base that he wanted out he finally stopped screaming and spent a good 5 minutes in this daze after getting home wondering what went wrong in his defeat. The hat all twisted and sunken gives away his struggle :)

Happy as a clam when it's time to play!!

1 comment:

korsmo5 said...

Great to see you guys and chat for a while this morning! Hope the SpaceA trip works out and we can come up there for a few days. Tyler is getting so big - love the new pics and the ones of your apt. as well! The bathroom made me laugh! Write all of it year you will be laughing about it :-)

-the Oki crew