Monday, December 8, 2008

Tyler Weeks 6-10

Here are some recent pictures of Tyler. He is starting to smile and giggle when you talk to him; especially during a diaper's his favorite time :) He is officially 2 1/2 months and just had his 2 month shots last week. Wasn't a fan; but did a great job. Doc was impressed with his content nature, altertness, and strength...affirming Andy's notion that Ty is gifted :) haha. His current weight is 10 pounds 8 oz and 22 inches....growing, growing, growing! I tried to upload a video of him laughing but it didn't work; so will try again later. Still not sleeping through the night, but his smiles like this one in the middle of the night make up for it :)


Heather Garner said...

He is a cutie, Tara! Hope you are doing well. I am thinking of you during Andy's absence.



Heather Garner said...

He is a cutie, Tara! Hope you are doing well. I am thinking of you during Andy's absence.



Heather Garner said...

He is a cutie, Tara! Hope you are doing well. I am thinking of you during Andy's absence.

