Monday, June 23, 2008

The Hog and 24 Weeks

So Andy is almost halfway through his A-10 (Warthog) training. This last week was especially exciting because he got to shoot the Gatling gun on the front of the plane at a live range. If you look at the photo it is right by the teeth. It can shoot nearly 4,000 rounds per minute! The plane can carry up to 16,000 pounds of , bullets, and missles. He finished the air to air combat training portion and is currently into range practice where they fly to an open range and learn to fire with all of these components. This Friday he will be air refueling where a tanker refuels the A-10 midair...supposedly a difficult task; but I'm sure he will do great! Watch this video to see it all in action!!

Here's me...6 months and counting!!!
Here are the pregnant student spouses at a Hail/Farewell last Friday. Anna (far left) is due next week, Heather July 9th, and me (well I have some catching up to do...3 1/2 more months!!
For some other exciting news...I have started to work as a Teacher at the Child Development Center on base. I trained all last week and started on my own today in rotation from infants to Pre-Schoolers primarily as a sub. I spent most of my afternoon with 12 roudy toddlers. Needless to say I had quite the headache afterward!! My boss told me this morning that she is wanting to place me in a classroom asap. I'm hoping it's Pre-K since I enjoy the classroom activities more than changing poopy diapers (I will get my fair share a few months from now...haha :)

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