Monday, December 14, 2009

Oldies but Goodies!

I've had a bunch of photos pile up since I've been posting about Thailand. So here are some random pictures from the last month.

Don't know why this is sideways, but this is ty's new Tonka truck that he LOVES and his other favorite toy: the PRINTER! We won't hear him for a second and all of a sudden we hear the printer printing from the office. He knows he's not allowed so he waits until we're kid!

Saying goodbye to our friend Grant

Songtan strip in the fall

Our favoirte pizza! She charges 5,000 Won (about $4) for these tasty treats on the shopping strip

Just a little get together with the squadron

Ty's had several trims around the ears and neck but not an actual haircut until now...he looks like such a big boy now!

Andy's 31st Birthday! It was the day after getting back from Thailand, so we just relaxed, played screen golf, opened up presents and had some cake.

Andy's new Tailor made blazer he got while in Thailand. Lookin' good hun!

All I wanted was 1 shot of him smiling at the camera and he kept doing this right as I took it...after 6 years of marriage he still nows exactly how to annoy me! Gotta love him :)

Tyler helping me unpack from Thailand

Due to the language barrier and a very rude realtor, we got our water machine taken away from's a long story but all you need to know is that
this was the process for me to get the remaining water we had. Pour water from Jug into measuring cup then pour from cup into water bottle, water bottle to cup...oh how I love Korea!

Serving several hundred aircraft mechanics for our Squadron's Thanksgiving Feast

Ty and I taking a break in the bouncy castle...(I really just used him as an excuse so I could go inside :)

Selling our precious Kimchi cars (Hyundai Sonata II). The green one is mine and the white is Andy's. They treated us well but we're ready to find our car in the parking lot...(those of you here in Korea know what I'm talking about!)

I love his face here :) Such a happy boy!

Christmas Party! I joined in on a Musical Chair Scavenger Hunt to win an XBox or PSP for Andy but got cut halfway through. It was intense; there was shoving, shouting, racing, and very winded particpants...I could barely catch my breath. I got eliminated because I couldn't find a Holiday tie in time to make it back to the chair...oh was still fun!

Me bringin' my "A" game!

Andy and Doug

Ladies in Red!

Didn't know Andy was snapping this picture...sometimes those are the ones that come out the best! I love our faces :)

Santa flew all the way from the North Pole to visit Osan AB in Korea! Can you believe it!? Apparently by the look on Tyler's face; he coudln't believe it either. haha!

Santa didn't Ho, Ho, Ho or even ask what Ty wanted for Christmas, so he just looked at him like, "Well, aren't you going to do something?" I love this picture...priceless.

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