Monday, October 19, 2009

Mississippi Memories

Here are some random happenings of our time in Mississipi...Can you guess where this first picture is from???? You betcha'! WAFFLE HOUSE!!! Tyler's in bed, snuggling with the pups, homemade daquiri's and and "The Office" times :)

The whole crew :)

No, I did not stage this!!
Georgia giving Tyler sweet kisses when he woke up :)
We found this puppy on the road so we took him home and cleaned him up. After posting signs, calling vets, and shelters; no one claimed him so a vet took him and placed him in a foster home to get adopted. We called him "Pete"...looks like a Pete, doesn't he!?! He was such a sweetheart.
I tried to convince Georgia to be "Alpha" dog for once in her life, but she wouldn't make him stop. She just doesn't have it in her; sweet thing :)
When we got Pete to the vet, she noticed a spot that was most likely ringworm. After having him in the house for 2 days we felt pretty grossed out!! So we spent the entire night disinfecting!! When we were all done and tired, we treated ourselves to a bubble bath, drink, and of course another "Office" episode :)
I wish I started my collection of Mississippi cars sooner, but you'll get the idea with these two. If you have wheels like these in the south; you are rollin' in style!
Andy got me the Honda Odyssey, but what I really wanted was my very own Pepto Bismal car....bummer.
Tyler slept in the bathroom just off of the guest room. At night his pack n' play is close to the door on the left and definately not within reach of the toilet paper. But magically in the morning I would find him like this. I think he got the idea to push against the door to move the pack n' play closer towards the TP! I have to keep a close eye on this one :)
My mom found an old Xylaphone from a garage sale. One of Ty's favorite toys is the stick that came with it; he loved to pound it on everything but the xylaphone of course! His favorite: Georgia's dog food bowl :)
Then Georgia got the idea that if she took it away, he would stop doing it. So each time he went to play with her bowl she would gently steal it out of his hands and go lay down in another cookie!
This was the dogs favorite spot during Tyler's feedings.

Reading some of Mimi's books :)
Parking his walker in the "garage"

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